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What is Ticket Management?

Ticket management in Grogu Desk involves the systematic handling, tracking, and resolution of customer inquiries, issues, or service requests. Effective ticket management is crucial for delivering excellent customer service, maintaining organizational efficiency, and continuously improving support processes. Ticketing systems provide tools and features to streamline these processes and enhance the overall customer experience.

Ticket Grid

Ticket Grid in Grogu Desk is a visual representation or display of tickets in a tabular format. It provides an organized view of various ticket details, allowing users, such as support agents or administrators, to efficiently manage and monitor tickets.

Here are key features and functions associated with a Ticket Grid in Grogu Desk:

Tabular Display

• The Ticket Grid presents ticket information in a table format with rows and columns. Each row represents an individual ticket, and columns display various attributes or details related to the tickets

Customizable Columns

• Users can customize the columns displayed in the Ticket Grid to include specific information relevant to their workflow.
• Common columns include subject, ticket number, source, topic, brand, team, status, priority, reporter, assignee name, last replier, last reply date, created date, due date, sla, action.

Sorting and Filtering

• Users can sort tickets based on different criteria.
• Filtering options allow users to display specific subsets of tickets based on selected criteria.

Bulk Operations

• Admin, Support can perform bulk actions on multiple tickets simultaneously, such as merge tickets, delete tickets.

Ticket Folders

Ticket Folders in Grogu Desk are organizational containers that allow users to categorize and manage tickets based on specific criteria or attributes. These folders enhance the organization, navigation, and accessibility of tickets within the system.

Here are the general Ticket Folders in Grogu Desk:

Inbox: contains all active (not resolved) tickets available to the user based on ticket visibility.
Waiting For Agent: displays all active (not resolved) tickets, where the last reply was from the Client.
Waiting For Client: lists all active (not resolved) tickets, where the last reply was from the Agent.
My Tickets
Assigned to Me: shows all active (not resolved) tickets assigned to the Agent.
Waiting for Me: includes all active (not resolved) and assigned to the Agent tickets where the last reply was from the Client.
Created by Me: displays all tickets created by the user.
Resolved by Me: presents all tickets in the final status ("Resolved"), where the user is a Ticket Resolver.
My Team Tickets (for Team Lead Role only): displays tickets created by team members of the led team.
Mentioned Me: contains all active (not resolved) tickets, where a user has been tagged.
Mentioned My Team: shows all active (not resolved) tickets, where a user’s team has been tagged.
Unassigned: lists all active (not resolved) tickets, where the assignee is not attached.
Overdue: presents all active (not resolved) tickets, where the SLA plan has expired.
Resolved: shows all resolved tickets, where the ticket status is equal to the final state ("Resolved").

Creating a Ticket

Users, such as customers or internal staff, create tickets to report issues, seek assistance, or make service requests. Tickets typically contain information such as the nature of the problem, contact details, and any relevant attachments.

Ticket View Page

The Ticket View Page is a crucial interface where users, agents, support and administrators can modify and update information related to a specific ticket.

Status and Workflow
Users can update the status of the ticket to reflect its current stage in the resolution process (e.g., Open, In Progress, Resolved, Closed).
Agents can adjust the priority level (Low, Normal, High, Emergency) of the ticket to indicate its urgency or importance .
Team Lead or Agents can assign the ticket to a specific user responsible for its resolution.
Custom Fields
Responses to custom fields conveniently displayed in a dedicated section labeled "Custom Fields", when a custom form is assigned to the ticket topic. This block provides quick access to responses related to custom fields, ensuring that information collected through the custom form is easily visible and accessible within the ticket.
Mention Team/User
Agents can mention the team or user in the ticket for additional problem-solving. It's possible to mention the team or user in the Followers block or mention them in a ticket reply using the "@" symbol for mentioning a user and the "#" symbol for mentioning a team.
Ticket Reply
Сlients and Agents can communicate within a ticket through the convenient chat block. The reply text can be formatted using the editor, allowing users to enhance the clarity and style of their messages. Additionally, users have the capability to edit their own messages, providing flexibility and control over the communication process within the ticket. In addition, there is a quick access button for canned responses, streamlining the process of utilizing pre-set replies.
Internal Notes
You have the capability to create internal notes for sharing knowledge among team members. It includes the option to generate a public note visible to all ticket participants except its creator, fostering collaborative knowledge exchange. Additionally, you can create private notes accessible exclusively to the note creator, ensuring confidentiality when needed.
Attachments and Security
Agents have the capability to attach relevant files or documents to a ticket, facilitating the exchange of additional information or clarifications. You can add up to 10 attachments, with a combined file size limit of 30MB. All attached files undergo antivirus scanning to detect vulnerabilities. In the event of a potential threat, users are promptly notified that the file may contain security risks.